1. Are there any contracts or commitments?


None. You can cancel your subscription at any time. Just login to your dashboard and click the red cancel subscription button.


2. Will I be able to share my coupons?


Yes. You can share your coupons many ways with us. You can share them on facebook, amazon, pinterest, and 100's of other social media platforms.


3. How long does it take for someone to claim my coupons?


We know that marketing is one of those things that takes time. It takes your average customer a minimum of 5 impressions to move them to make a purchase. So be patient, and most importantly create as many coupons as your listing allows. This is where you want to get creative with your coupons. Think of the lifetime value of one of your customers and then imagine what type of coupon you need to come up with to attract new business. Offering an outrageous 50% discount might bring you a ton of new customers and alot of them will turn into repeat business for you. Because we keep our prices low its easy to get a positive ROI with us! Call us anytime if you need help coming up with something creative. That's what we're here for.